My Very Cherry Tomatoes. Summer 2009. Next year I am growing a whole row along the back of my house..
Here is the tonic I used to keep em goen..Next year I will have the best crop on the block.. I've been treating my plants with this Tomato Booster Tonic, for the past 2 months..
Tomato Booster Tonic
1 tsp. of baby shampoo
1 gal. of water
Instructions: Mix these ingredients in a watering can. Generously soak the soil around your tomato plants in early summer, just as they show a bunck of yellow flowers, to stimulate fruit set.
Making my tomatoes Sweet..
For the sweetest, juiciest tomatoes in town, take a tip from Mary Poppins and me: I added a spoonful of sugar to my watering can and soaked the soil around my tomato plants. I also used sugar and water in a spray bottle and spritz my plants when they had yellow flowers. The sugar packed spray lured bees to my veggie plants and ensured ppollination.
Sweet Success Spray
1/2 cup of sugar
Instructions: Pour the sugar into 2 cups of water and bring to a boil, stirring, until the sugar is dissolved. Let mixture cool, dilute it with 1 gallon of water, and pour the solution into a hand-held sprayer. Then spritz your blooming platnts to the point of run-off. Before you know it, willing winged worders will fly to your rescue!