Please Help, College Students Car Stolen


Even though I live in an apartment I have started growing at least some of the food I eat, saving money, boosting my health, conserving energy and having lots of fun. The things I have grown so far, on my balcony, are tomatoes, potatoes, jalapeno peppers and flowers..

Later on in the future I plan to keep bees(maybe), and raise chickens for the fresh in the morning eggs.

When the harvest is in, i'm over at my blog ‘Family Gatherings Recipes’ learning how to cook, preserve, cure, brew, or pickle the fruits of my labor.

In today’s economic climate, it only makes sense to grow some of your own food. And I'm learning the easiest, most convenient, productive ways to grow a little, a lot, or even ALL the food my family and I eat each day!

Monday, July 12, 2010